Mitski – Bug Like an Angel MP3 Download

Mitski – Bug Like an Angel MP3 Download

Mitski – Bug Like an Angel MP3 Download

Bug Like an Angel by Mitski is a soulful and meditative track that captivates listeners with its raw emotions and poignant lyrics. Released on July 26th, 2023, as the opening track of her album "The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We", this song sets the tone for an immersive musical journey.   The song begins with Mitski's velvety voice delicately describing a bug stuck to the bottom of her glass, drawing a parallel between this tiny creature and herself. The bug becomes a metaphor for vulnerability and fragility, highlighting Mitski's understanding of the complexities of life as she has grown older. The lyrics allude to her experiences as a drinker, where a drink can provide solace and comfort, almost feeling like family. This introspection sets the stage for a profounder exploration of emotions throughout the song.
As the chorus swells, Mitski's voice intertwines with a heavenly choir, elevating the emotional intensity of the track. The repetition of "family" in the chorus suggests the longing for connection and belonging that lie at the core of the human experience.
In the second verse, Mitski addresses someone directly, questioning their actions and implying that they may have made promises they couldn't keep. This vulnerability is contrasted with the idea that when promises are broken, they inevitably break the person who made them as well. Mitski shares her insights as if speaking from personal experience, imparting wisdom gained through her own mistakes.   Bug Like an Angel is a song that beautifully combines Mitski's soulful vocals with poetic lyrics that resonate immersedly with listeners. It showcases her ability to convey complex emotions with clarity and vulnerability, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences and find solace in shared human experiences. Throughout this compelling track, Mitski stands as a musical storyteller, touching hearts and minds with her evocative melodies and dynamic songwriting.

There's a bug like an angel
Stuck to the bottom of my glass
With a little bit left
As I got older, I learned I'm a drinker
Sometimes a drink feels like family
Hey, what's the matter?
Looking like your sticker
Is stuck on a floor somewhere
Did you go and make promises you can't keep?
Well, when you break them
They break you right back
Amateur mistake
You can take it from me
They break you right back
Break you right back
Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh
When I'm bent over, wishing it was over

Making a variety of vows I'll never keep
I try to remember the wrath of the devil
Was also given him by God
Hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm
